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Why Are Residential Lots the Best Investment Option?

NOVEMBER 26, 2022 in Buy House

Why Are Residential Lots the Best Investment Option?

Both local and foreign investors are aware that real estate is their best bet when it comes to building a legacy for their families. They are also interested in Merida because of the city's growth and development, quality of life, safety, and for being a strategic location for international connections.

If you're wondering which investment option is the best for you, and you want to make a safe investment, shying away from uncertainty's gray zones, well, residential lots are what you're looking for. Now, a distinction must be made between investing in residential lots and investing in land. The latter is said to be the perfect opportunity for investors due to its lower price, but the truth is it doesn't ensure that your investment brings about the capital gain you expect.

Why Are Residential Lots the Best Investment Option?

Why Are Residential Lots the Best Investment Option?

Advantages of Residential Lots

While investing in land means getting a piece of ground with no infrastructure, housing development, nor basic facilities (drinking water, electricity, telephone), residential lots are developed pieces of land intended for housing development in the short term. They comprise basic facilities, as well as paved access roads, and so on, so that their owners could take advantage of them shortly.

Even though investing in land could be a good decision for the very long term, it could also happen that you end up with a piece of ground you can't sell to get capital gains because both the city's development and land value appreciation didn't turn out as you expected. Residential lots, on the other hand, although more expensive, ensure a good ROI if you decide to sell them.

At CondoTulum Developments we want to provide the best investment opportunities, and we encourage you to check out what we have for you.
